Today, my pupils learned about adjectives. I asked them to imagine about their imaginary pet. Later, they would have to fill in the blanks with adjectives to complete the poem. Since they are Year 3 kids, I let them drew their so-called imaginary pet.
There's one boy who came to me and asked;
Boy: Miss, how to spell piranha?
Miss: Ohh, piranha? Why do you want to spell piranha?
Boy: It's my imaginary pet.
Miss: Oh...okay. P-I-R-A-N-H-A
Boy: Okay, got it. Thanks Miss.
About 5 minutes later, he came to me and asked me another question.
Boy: Miss, gigi ikan piranha macam mana nak lukis?
Miss: Sharp. Very sharp. Like segi know? ( I drew an example for him)
Boy: Oh..gigi dia tajam kan Miss?
Miss: Yeap, that's why it can eat humans.
Boy: Berapa cepat eh Miss dia boleh makan kaki kita?
Miss: Erm..30 seconds.
Boy: Eh, bukan dalam dokumentari dia cakap 5 seconds je ke Miss? (garu kepala)
Miss: Eh, 5 seconds eh?(garu kepala) Ohh....5 seconds pon boleh jugak. Ada yang sometimes 30 seconds. It depends on how fast it is.
The boy gave me a puzzled look. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Kesian dia kena tipu. I quickly told him to go back to his seat and finish his drawing.
Kantoi dengan budak kecik. Maybe I should take part in "Are You Smarter than A Fifth Grade" show to compare my general knowledge with them. I really should watch discoveries during the weekends because believe me, kids do ask a lot of questions like when they learned about body parts of sea creatures.
One kid asked me;
Girl: Miss, kalau penguin punya tu panggil apa?
Miss: What 'tu'?
Girl: Ala...the ones that look like hands tu..yang macam boleh kepak-kepak.
Miss:, those are not the penguin's hands or whatsoever. Those are called flippers. They use the flippers to move and swim.
Girl: Oh...flippers...
Then, when they saw a picture of a's my turn to ask them. *tunjuk pandai time*
Miss: Do you know what these are? (pointing to the rays)
Pupils: Tentacles! hand! leg!
Miss: Sorry, please try again later.
Pupils: Ala....tak tahu la Miss...Bagitau la..bagitau la..bagitau la...
Miss: Okay okay okay. These are called rays or arms. Usually, a starfish has five rays or arms. bla bla bla...
Phew! Luckily I did a research prior to the lesson. Kalau tak...I'm not sure how to answer their never-ending questions. Huhu. To teachers out there, make sure you know/have extra knowledge about what you are going to teach.