Monday, September 26, 2011

Broga Hill


Whoa!! It's been ages since I last burnt my calories. yuppie yupsie, that was in June when I did senam seni with the kiddos for sports day.

This time, I decided to go for a hike. Well, konon macam hiking but you guys know la.. I mana larat nak bawa backpack 5kilo ke hape kan..So, ini je I mampu buat..naik Broga Hill. heeee

Huh, can someone tell me the purpose of wearing a dress while hiking? Kawan-kawan, please wear something appropriate for this activity. Satgi jatuh tergolek gedebuk dah terkangkang 'shame shame tak malu' pulak. :')

Pekena rokok sattt.

Hmm..the lalangs. A must pose.

Worn out. -.-



Going down. Turun ramai-ramai, dah rasa macam ikut rombongan mendaki.

Parking among oil palm trees.

It was certainly fun! Balik pekena roti canai, tosai and maggi goreng. T___T

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dear abah,

Daddy's girl at heart.

You are my hero, my muse, my abah. :)

p/s: Hana, nad cilok gambar. :D

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Adapt: to gradually change your behaviour and attitudes in order to be successful in a new situation.

Edisi khas LDR:

This is the third time he went offshore. And I miss him like crazy. If I remember correctly, we never really had a close-distance relationship except for those three months, earlier this year.

Like any other couples, we have our very own problem which is to constantly adapt to a new situation. When I was in the UK, we communicated through video calls every day. We also talked to each other on the phone before I went to sleep which made him wake up early in the morning just to bid me goodnight. Huhu. Time difference. Quite a challenge as we fought almost every day because I, being myself would force him to stay awake and make him repeat what I had just said to make sure that he listened to my every word. Jahatnya!!

When I came back for good, he was in the south while I remained in KL. Well, things became difficult as I expected more from him. As usual, "we kiss, we make up". Currently, he is based in the east coast and I...where else do you think I would be? Teaching urban kids good English.

To make this LDR more challenging than ever is the fact that he has to go offshore twice a month. Worse, they cannot use handphones and there is only a satellite phone that they have to share among them. Everyone gets a 5-minute conversation with their loved ones and they have to fill in some form to 'cop' their time. haha. An oil-rig or a platform can accommodate 100-something people kot. But hello!!! 5 minutes is not enough laaaa.. I'm so stressed coz I have to talk to him in a rush.

"You know what happened today...bla bla bla..."

suddenly, "I have to go, the next person is already waiting. Talk to you later. Bye."

"But I haven't finished my story! Waitt!!!" tutt...tuttt...tuttt.

Seriously, are you not stressed? -___-

That happens during the good-day line. On bad days..hmm you just keep waiting till good-day line returns. Despite all this, we still have internet. Thank you technology! at least, we get to send each other emails and update about our life. Tapiiiiiii...tak sama dengan cakap on the phone. Oiii cik kak, be grateful to God la deyyy!! huhu.

We are still new to this kind of LDR. kwang3. We learn to be patient when the line goes weng2. We learn to be honest and trust each other. We learn to be tolerant. We learn to appreciate our time together. Whenever we are free, we can just go and grab a quick lunch. Sometimes, I pity him because he makes effort to see me though it is only a one hour date every two or three week, then he has to dash off back to the east.

Well, I'm adjusting myself to the so-called new situation. It's been two months. Haha. Not that new, but to us this is just the beginning. Struggling a little bit here and there but definitely adapting. Learn to adapt. Do not complaint too much cause you'll get tired of it. :)

p/s: Lepas merengek2 nak mandi, mandi jugak aku. Paling best sebab sampai sekarang, rambut yang keras jegang sentiasa lembut sahaja. My bro and sis terus nak lumur asam jawa kat rambut pulak. Hehe. Perhaps those who dream of having a smooth and soft hair can try to put asam jawa on their hair. :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dilarang mandi

Salam and hi!

Uh-oh. I'm sooooo stressed! Tahu tak kenapa?

Hurm..Since thursday arituh, dah demam panas. You know my parents and opah..diorang tak kasi mandi okay! langsung!!! OMG! Dah la tiap-tiap hari mandi 3 kali. Just imagine tak mandi for three days!! How do you feel? Stress takk? Stress tak? Stress takkkkk? Okay, serius stress. Bila hari Sabtu pun tak boleh mandi, aku redah je la pi ikut family aku dinner kat luar. Nak pegi Jusco tapi jammeddddd so tukar laluan ke Tesco je.

Hari ni pon DILARANG mandi! Aku rasa badan aku dah tak panas tapi bak kata orang dengarlah cakap orang tua2. Maka, tidak mandilah aku walaupun sudah boleh bersuka ria. Mandi tak mandi tolak tepi, yang penting aku keluar jugak ikut my family pukul 5 pagi pegi airport hantar my sis balik nz. Then, balik rumah tak boleh duduk diam. Lepas kemas rumah, around 10 am pi Tesco dgn my mum and sis. Then balik masak2. Lepas zohor, pegi JJ pulak. Korang pernah tak buat macam nih?? Huhuhu. Loser sungguh kalau aku sorang je yang pernah buat keje ni. T___T

Aku rasa hari ni aku dah tanya soalan "Opah/Mummy/Abah, dira dah boleh mandi ke tak?" mau dekat 50 kali. Daddyji pon macam dah tension muka tegang je bila aku tanya dia. So, aku tak tanya dia dah. Pegi tanya opah dengan mummy je. My mom's answer was simple, ask your opah. Hamboiii, opah kenet aku tu dah la garang. -___- Bila dah penat tak boleh mandi, aku kasi alasan...

"Hmm, dira esok kan nak pegi sekolah opah. Petang ni jugak kena mandi sebab rambut dah tiga hari lumur bunga raya dengan asam jawa. So, kena shampoo pastu sabun badan bersih2. Rambut tu dah la keras. euwww~ geli tauuu."

Tahu tak apa opah jawab?

"Dah tu, esok pegi je la sekolah. gosok gigi je. tak payah mandi."


I'm sooo not going to school tomorrow, I swear! Sanggup MC dari pegi sekolah tak mandi. Huwaaaaaa!!! Stressnya tak boleh mandiiiiiii!!~

Ya ALLAH, tolonglah hambaMu ini. .__.