Saturday, November 12, 2011

Above 18

For the past few months, I've been spending my weekends either with my family or the boyfriend. Let me tell you, this is very very unhealthy. It's not that I don't want to chillax with my dearest girlfriends, but everyone is so busy with their life. Plus, some of them live far far away from the city ie; Kedah, Penang, Perlis, Shah Alam... Well, not that Shah Alam is 100km away from my place but my girlfriend is still studying so I prefer not to disturb her studies.

On Friday evening, I received a call from my ex-schoolmate in Convent Kajang. After a few minutes, we decided to meet up on Saturday. Whoa! That's easy! It just takes a phone call to gather your girlfriends and go for a drink or a movie.

So yesterday we went to Alamanda and decided to watch 'Immortals'. We bought the tickets at the counter and the cashier reminded us that this movie is rated 18PL (while looking at me suspiciously). Yeah yeah. We just nodded our heads saying "We're 24" and smiled at her. I bet she's younger than me.

Then, we headed to the entrance. As I handed the cinema guy mine and my friends' tickets, he stopped me and asked for my ID.

Never, I repeat NEVER have I been questioned about my age upon entering the cinema for an XXX rated movie. Yesterday happened to be my lucky day. Well, the conversation went like this..

Cinema guy: This movie is for 18 above, miss. (Looks at me disbelievingly)

Me: Yeah, I know. (smile sweetly)

Cinema guy: Can I see your ID please?

Me: I'm sorry? (Muka tak percaya)

Cinema guy: I need to see your ID.

Me: Why? I'm above 18. Don't I look like someone above 18 years old? (I still refuse to hand him my ID)

Cinema guy: (smiles a little) As I said before, this movie is for 18 above. So, can I see your ID?

Me: What? I swear I am above 18. (hand him my ID) Look, it states there 87. I was born on 1987. That makes me 24 this year. (my fingers cannot seem to stop stabbing it)

Cinema guy: (looking back and forth at me and the ID) Oh okay okay. Enjoy your movie, miss.

Ahh..some women might be flattered but not me. I was really pissed off with the guy, I felt like yelling "Hello! Open you eyes and look at me properly!". I certainly do NOT look like someone who is under the age of 18. I didn't think I dressed like a school girl either. I wore a tank top with a cardigan and flats along with jeans and scarf. What's wrong with my outfits? Oh..and I carried my handbag. School girls don't carry handbags.

The incident sort of spoilt my mood for the movie. My girlfriends on the other hand, kept teasing me with questions that earned them a deathly glare every time they asked "How old are you again?", "Are you a secondary or primary school kid?". Yeah, funny.

When I think about yesterday's incident, there must be a few reasons of why the cashier and the cinema guy thought that I was an under-age girl. One, it might be because of my youthful looks. Hehe. I also want to perasan muda. Second, it could be because of my size as compared to my girlfriends. You see, my two girlfriends, they have quite a generous shape. (Nadhi and Nisah, if you happen to read this, no offense girlfriends!). Perhaps, those guys thought that I was their little sister?? Hahahahaha. Kelakar gila!

Still, I was quite offended and embarrassed seeing that there was a long queue behind us. Maluuuuuu. They might be thinking "Ah...nak curik-curik masuk le teww, padahal kecik lagi...dah la pendek, tak cukup umor pulak tuh..Kantoiii...". I was thinking of shielding my face with my handbag!... but that would be childish kan?

And....thank goodness, the movie was awesome! Freida Pinto is just beautiful as ever and Theseus...Oh..I really want/need a husband like him! He looks so urghh...with his hard-as-rock abs, curly dark hair, beautiful eyes, tall and lean body... He even looks yummy when he runs! If I were to be with him, we would definitely look like Kim K and Kris Humhpries. How cute. :D

Hello, Theseus.

Whoa! I feel safe by just looking at this photo.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Oh Emma!

What I love about Emma.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Broga Hill


Whoa!! It's been ages since I last burnt my calories. yuppie yupsie, that was in June when I did senam seni with the kiddos for sports day.

This time, I decided to go for a hike. Well, konon macam hiking but you guys know la.. I mana larat nak bawa backpack 5kilo ke hape kan..So, ini je I mampu buat..naik Broga Hill. heeee

Huh, can someone tell me the purpose of wearing a dress while hiking? Kawan-kawan, please wear something appropriate for this activity. Satgi jatuh tergolek gedebuk dah terkangkang 'shame shame tak malu' pulak. :')

Pekena rokok sattt.

Hmm..the lalangs. A must pose.

Worn out. -.-



Going down. Turun ramai-ramai, dah rasa macam ikut rombongan mendaki.

Parking among oil palm trees.

It was certainly fun! Balik pekena roti canai, tosai and maggi goreng. T___T

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dear abah,

Daddy's girl at heart.

You are my hero, my muse, my abah. :)

p/s: Hana, nad cilok gambar. :D

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Adapt: to gradually change your behaviour and attitudes in order to be successful in a new situation.

Edisi khas LDR:

This is the third time he went offshore. And I miss him like crazy. If I remember correctly, we never really had a close-distance relationship except for those three months, earlier this year.

Like any other couples, we have our very own problem which is to constantly adapt to a new situation. When I was in the UK, we communicated through video calls every day. We also talked to each other on the phone before I went to sleep which made him wake up early in the morning just to bid me goodnight. Huhu. Time difference. Quite a challenge as we fought almost every day because I, being myself would force him to stay awake and make him repeat what I had just said to make sure that he listened to my every word. Jahatnya!!

When I came back for good, he was in the south while I remained in KL. Well, things became difficult as I expected more from him. As usual, "we kiss, we make up". Currently, he is based in the east coast and I...where else do you think I would be? Teaching urban kids good English.

To make this LDR more challenging than ever is the fact that he has to go offshore twice a month. Worse, they cannot use handphones and there is only a satellite phone that they have to share among them. Everyone gets a 5-minute conversation with their loved ones and they have to fill in some form to 'cop' their time. haha. An oil-rig or a platform can accommodate 100-something people kot. But hello!!! 5 minutes is not enough laaaa.. I'm so stressed coz I have to talk to him in a rush.

"You know what happened today...bla bla bla..."

suddenly, "I have to go, the next person is already waiting. Talk to you later. Bye."

"But I haven't finished my story! Waitt!!!" tutt...tuttt...tuttt.

Seriously, are you not stressed? -___-

That happens during the good-day line. On bad days..hmm you just keep waiting till good-day line returns. Despite all this, we still have internet. Thank you technology! at least, we get to send each other emails and update about our life. Tapiiiiiii...tak sama dengan cakap on the phone. Oiii cik kak, be grateful to God la deyyy!! huhu.

We are still new to this kind of LDR. kwang3. We learn to be patient when the line goes weng2. We learn to be honest and trust each other. We learn to be tolerant. We learn to appreciate our time together. Whenever we are free, we can just go and grab a quick lunch. Sometimes, I pity him because he makes effort to see me though it is only a one hour date every two or three week, then he has to dash off back to the east.

Well, I'm adjusting myself to the so-called new situation. It's been two months. Haha. Not that new, but to us this is just the beginning. Struggling a little bit here and there but definitely adapting. Learn to adapt. Do not complaint too much cause you'll get tired of it. :)

p/s: Lepas merengek2 nak mandi, mandi jugak aku. Paling best sebab sampai sekarang, rambut yang keras jegang sentiasa lembut sahaja. My bro and sis terus nak lumur asam jawa kat rambut pulak. Hehe. Perhaps those who dream of having a smooth and soft hair can try to put asam jawa on their hair. :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dilarang mandi

Salam and hi!

Uh-oh. I'm sooooo stressed! Tahu tak kenapa?

Hurm..Since thursday arituh, dah demam panas. You know my parents and opah..diorang tak kasi mandi okay! langsung!!! OMG! Dah la tiap-tiap hari mandi 3 kali. Just imagine tak mandi for three days!! How do you feel? Stress takk? Stress tak? Stress takkkkk? Okay, serius stress. Bila hari Sabtu pun tak boleh mandi, aku redah je la pi ikut family aku dinner kat luar. Nak pegi Jusco tapi jammeddddd so tukar laluan ke Tesco je.

Hari ni pon DILARANG mandi! Aku rasa badan aku dah tak panas tapi bak kata orang dengarlah cakap orang tua2. Maka, tidak mandilah aku walaupun sudah boleh bersuka ria. Mandi tak mandi tolak tepi, yang penting aku keluar jugak ikut my family pukul 5 pagi pegi airport hantar my sis balik nz. Then, balik rumah tak boleh duduk diam. Lepas kemas rumah, around 10 am pi Tesco dgn my mum and sis. Then balik masak2. Lepas zohor, pegi JJ pulak. Korang pernah tak buat macam nih?? Huhuhu. Loser sungguh kalau aku sorang je yang pernah buat keje ni. T___T

Aku rasa hari ni aku dah tanya soalan "Opah/Mummy/Abah, dira dah boleh mandi ke tak?" mau dekat 50 kali. Daddyji pon macam dah tension muka tegang je bila aku tanya dia. So, aku tak tanya dia dah. Pegi tanya opah dengan mummy je. My mom's answer was simple, ask your opah. Hamboiii, opah kenet aku tu dah la garang. -___- Bila dah penat tak boleh mandi, aku kasi alasan...

"Hmm, dira esok kan nak pegi sekolah opah. Petang ni jugak kena mandi sebab rambut dah tiga hari lumur bunga raya dengan asam jawa. So, kena shampoo pastu sabun badan bersih2. Rambut tu dah la keras. euwww~ geli tauuu."

Tahu tak apa opah jawab?

"Dah tu, esok pegi je la sekolah. gosok gigi je. tak payah mandi."


I'm sooo not going to school tomorrow, I swear! Sanggup MC dari pegi sekolah tak mandi. Huwaaaaaa!!! Stressnya tak boleh mandiiiiiii!!~

Ya ALLAH, tolonglah hambaMu ini. .__.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bersyukurkah kita?

Salam and Hi.

I hope it is still not too late to wish everyone "Selamat berpuasa". Ahlan wasahlan Ya Ramadhan.

Hari ni dah 13 hari umat Islam berpuasa. Semalam, terperasan seluar jeans dah longgar. Eh, unbelievable betul! Terkejut because I thought I was gaining weight. Bila sampai rumah, terus bagitahu abah and mummy show off tahap 'kelonggaran' jeans. Then, mummy bising cakap badan tinggal tulang. And yes Manja, I know you are saying things behind my back like "kepala kak dira lagi besar dari badan". Gotcha!! Huh.

Humans and self-satisfaction. Bila kita gemuk, kita sibuk diet nak kurus. Sanggup tak makan nasi 5 bulan, tiap-tiap hari makan buah je. Bila kita terkurus pulak, sibuk mengadu sakit bahu la, dada la, tulang rusuk sakit la. terus beli weight gain. Bila muka kita ada jerawat walaupun sebutir, kepoh satu kampung nak pi watson cari oxy 6 la, tea 3 la tempek satu muka taknak kasi jerawat keluar. Waktu tu if a date dengan kawan or bf sanggup cancel sebab tak nak kasi orang ramai tengok jerawat. Kadang-kadang sampai stress pikir kenapa jerawat tersembul kat pipi tuh.

Tapi, apa kata kita berhenti sekejap fikir pasal kepuasan diri kita yang tak pernah habis. Sekarang tutup mata anda dan tarik nafas. Tarik....hembus...tarik....hembus...Okay, cukup. Buka mata anda. Lihat sekeliling anda dan fikir. Pernah tak kita terfikir keadaan orang yang sakit?

Hmm....mesti dorang jarang fikir pasal jerawat ke, bentuk tubuh badan ke, rambut rosak ke. Yang ada dalam kepala mereka ialah doa supaya cepat sembuh, dihilangkan segala kesakitan dan dipanjangkan umur. Tak sempat nak fikir 'aku dah kurus ke?', 'berapa inci love handles aku?' 'rambut aku dah bercabang, oh no!!!'. Nope. They have many other important things to think about rather than just physical appearance.

There's a teacher in my school. She suffers from leukemia. Sometimes, aku malu dengan dia. Sebab aku sedar yang aku suka merungut. Pasal kerja, pasal kurus ke gemuk ke. Yes, common things which are unimportant. Such a childish act. Bila aku pandang dia, aku kagum. Sebab dia tabah, dia jarang merungut, dia kuat semangat. Jika aku kat tempat dia, mesti aku dah terlantar kat atas katil hospital. Sebab aku taklah sekuat mana. Lembik. Mengada-ngada. Gemuk sikit dah kecoh nak kurus. Bila dah kurus, pening kepala nak kasi gemuk balik.

Apa yang aku nak sampaikan kat sini, kita kena menjadi hambaNya yang bersyukur. Kita tak pernah puas, betul tak? Cuba bayangkan jika selama kita sihat kita asyik tak puas hati tentang macam-macam. Tapi, jika dengan izin ALLAH kita jatuh sakit, masa tu kita takkan fikir tentang benda lain kecuali ALLAH dan kesihatan diri kita. Masa tu lah kita insaf nak bertaubat. YA ALLAH, berilah kesempatan untuk aku bertaubat sebelum nyawaku ditarik kembali. Aku amat takut jika aku mati sebelum sempat bertaubat. Selain bertaubat, kita akan sibuk minta ALLAH sembuhkan sakit kita. Macam keadaan kakak tu, seingat aku, tak sampai sepuluh kali aku nampak dia makan dekat sekolah dalam masa hampir 6 bulan aku mengajar. Kita yang sihat ni tak nak makan sebab nak kurus tapi kakak tu tak nak makan bukan sebab nak kurus tapi sebab sakit itu membuatkan dia hilang selera makan. Hilang nikmat makan. Korang tak sedih? Mustahil tak sedih.

Bersyukur. Perkara paling penting sebab dalam Al-Quran sendiri cakap, sangat kurang golongan umat Muhammad yang besyukur (nanti aku check surah apa). Tak salah jika kita gemuk and nak jadi kurus. Atas faktor kesihatan, it is a must. Tapi bukan kurus sampai jadi aneroxic okay? Jika ALLAH dah beri kulit kita berjerawat, tak salah beli macam-macam produk untuk hilangkan jerawat. Cuma, kita sangat banyak rungutan tentang itu dan ini. Cuba kita kurangkan merungut tetapi banyakkan bersyukur. 'Alhamdulillah, aku masih sihat, walaupun ada jerawat kat dalam hidung'. 'Alhamdulillah aku masih cergas walaupun berat badan aku dah naik sikit'.

Kan lebih bagus begitu? Kurangkan rungutan, banyakkan bersyukur. Peringatan untuk diri sendiri yang suka merungut jugak. Azam sempena Ramadhan kali ini nak kurangkan merungut dan banyakkan bersyukur. Tak nak azam banyak2, takut tak tercapai pulak.

Setakat itu sahaja, see you in the next post! Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa! Banyakkan ibadah ye kawan-kawan!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Nisfu Sya'ban

Salam dan hi semua.

Malam ni malam Nisfu Sya'ban. Cepat sungguh masa berlalu. Sedar tak sedar, dah setahun umur buku amalan kita. Hmm..tak tahu la berat belah mana satu. Kalau ikut rasa hati, nak berat belah kanan. Tapi jikafikir guna otak, rasa macam berat sikit ke kiri. huuu..entah2 berat banyak! Waaaaaaa!! Minta dijauhkan. Simpang malaikat 44x44!

Mummy selalu pesan, bila amik wuduk kita kena niat bila kita basuh satu-satu anggota. Paling dia ingatkan bila basuh tangan. Dia selalu pesan, bila basuh tangan kanan jangan lupa doa minta dengan Tuhan jika diizinkan, terima buku amalan dengan tangan kanan di sana nanti. Waaaaaaaaa lagi sekali sebab selalu terlupa nak niat camtuh. T___T.

Untuk anggota-anggota lain bukan takde tapi kita tak ingat. Nantilah kita tanya mak kita balik. Huhu. Nampak sangat tak praktikkan. -.-

Jadi kawan-kawan, jom kita tambah pahala. Kurangkan buat dosa sebab kalau nak cakap jangan buat dosa macam tak logik sebab takde manusia pon yang maksum kecuali Rasulullah saw kan? Cermin balik diri kita setahun yang lepas, tengok balik apa yang kurang. Adatlah, bila kurang kita kena la tambahkan baru mencapai tahap optimum ke tahap beriman ke. Okay, kita nak pesan tu je. Selamat puasa semua! Banyak pahala tauuu! :D

Sunday, July 10, 2011

memory lane

I desperately need to go somewhere peaceful to rest my mind and just forget about work. College days are more fun than working life.


leisure time

celebrating birthdays

1 Murid 1 Sukan

mam-mam time

strawberry picking

Malaysian fest

Art & Science class

Musical theater

Stranded at the airport for 7 hours


Saying goodbye is no fun. -__-

p/s: I miss you girls and Em!

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Quick update

Salam and Hi, readers.

I have so many things to write. Believe me. I just couldn't find the right time to write. When I arrive home usually around 5 pm, all I want to do is lie down and take a short nap. Heee.. I feel so malas to switch on the laptop and surf the net. So boring that I rather spend every second of my leisure time reading books. Ahh...books are much more entertaining than the internet. :)

Anyway, just a quick update.

1) School
My school is a busy school. I don't know why I am so busy since February till present. Haha. Macam kerja CEO pulak. I spent 3 Saturdays in a row in school. :( and have been selected as one of the facis for english in-camp in Kuala Selangor (this week) and kem motivasi in PD (next week) by jabatan. Waaaa, kesian anak2 kita cikgu dia takde. Dah la sekolah cuti kita kena pi meeting. :( To be honest, I prefer to stay in school coz my children are going to sit for their UP3 in mid-July. But, GOD has other plans for me. I hope they are going to be alright. Do your best, children! Remember what miss has taught you!

2) Family
Had a family outing during the school holidays. We went to Cameron Highland, reminiscing our childhood. During our first seven years in TI, we used to go to CH at least once a year. We would visit the farms, buy veges at Kea's market and have a picnic by the river. When we moved to Kajang and then moved back to TI, we stopped going there. Don't know why. So, I asked my father to take us there. Well, CH is a lot warmer compared to before. I found people wearing gloves, snowcap and bubble jacket there. Ha ha ha. Funny. Imagine if there's snow in our country. :P

3) Me?
Well, I am learning/doing my very best to be a good teacher, an obedient daughter and a pious Muslim. My colleagues always laugh at me when I tell them that I am a 'garang' teacher. Ceh, sabar je la. Takpe takpe, nanti nak letak video dalam kelas, pastu nak show off kegarangan kita. Hikhikhik.

Oh, I have something to share with you. Once, I asked my father why he susah-payah attend every event held inside or outside the college, why he busy-busy follow his students and staff to camping, rafting, hiking, trekking, sports event etc. I felt that his staff are too manja, ngada-ngada because they would say "If encik Man tak pi, kami pun taknak pi sama". Amboiii! Kita pon tak berani nak habaq lagu tu kat GB or GPKs kita u olls. Kalau kita pi masuk hutan, kita la yang susah-payah jaga budak dalam hutan nun. You want to know what my father said?

"Kita ni sebagai cikgu tak kira la bila kita jadi ketua ke, pegang jawatan besar ke dekat satu tempat tu, yang penting kita ikhlas dan terus memberi yang terbaik buat anak-anak murid kita. Tak kira la diorang tu pandai ke kurang ke. Jangan pernah bezakan mereka. Abah buat semua ni sebab aktiviti-aktiviti macam tu lah yang motivate budak2 yang tak berapa nak jadi dalam bidang akdemik. Metaliti diaorang ni lain. Kita nak ajak dorg pi buat aktiviti menarik macam ni pun susah. Bila kita pon ada sama kat sana, it shows that we actually care for them. Diorang rasa terpinggir sebab diorang tahu they are not academically-inclined. So, penting kita ni to be there untuk sama2 buat aktiviti tuh supaya diorang dapat tengok yang kita memang nak dorang berjaya. Anak-anak abah alhamdulillah 5 dah lepas masuk U. Bila abah tengok dorang tak semangat, jadi kita rasa sedih. Why don't abah berkorban sikit sebab abah pun nak tengok dorang berjaya mcam korang. Bila kita dah berjaya, jangan buat kerja sambil lewa. When you are in the classroom, teach well. Tanam azam yang jika kita boleh terbang tinggi, anak-anak murid kita pon boleh."


......Silence (we were in the car).......

So readers, renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tipu sunat

Today, my pupils learned about adjectives. I asked them to imagine about their imaginary pet. Later, they would have to fill in the blanks with adjectives to complete the poem. Since they are Year 3 kids, I let them drew their so-called imaginary pet.

There's one boy who came to me and asked;

Boy: Miss, how to spell piranha?

Miss: Ohh, piranha? Why do you want to spell piranha?

Boy: It's my imaginary pet.

Miss: Oh...okay. P-I-R-A-N-H-A

Boy: Okay, got it. Thanks Miss.

About 5 minutes later, he came to me and asked me another question.

Boy: Miss, gigi ikan piranha macam mana nak lukis?

Miss: Sharp. Very sharp. Like segi know? ( I drew an example for him)

Boy: Oh..gigi dia tajam kan Miss?

Miss: Yeap, that's why it can eat humans.

Boy: Berapa cepat eh Miss dia boleh makan kaki kita?

Miss: Erm..30 seconds.

Boy: Eh, bukan dalam dokumentari dia cakap 5 seconds je ke Miss? (garu kepala)

Miss: Eh, 5 seconds eh?(garu kepala) Ohh....5 seconds pon boleh jugak. Ada yang sometimes 30 seconds. It depends on how fast it is.

The boy gave me a puzzled look. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Kesian dia kena tipu. I quickly told him to go back to his seat and finish his drawing.

Kantoi dengan budak kecik. Maybe I should take part in "Are You Smarter than A Fifth Grade" show to compare my general knowledge with them. I really should watch discoveries during the weekends because believe me, kids do ask a lot of questions like when they learned about body parts of sea creatures.

One kid asked me;

Girl: Miss, kalau penguin punya tu panggil apa?

Miss: What 'tu'?

Girl: Ala...the ones that look like hands tu..yang macam boleh kepak-kepak.

Miss:, those are not the penguin's hands or whatsoever. Those are called flippers. They use the flippers to move and swim.

Girl: Oh...flippers...

Then, when they saw a picture of a's my turn to ask them. *tunjuk pandai time*

Miss: Do you know what these are? (pointing to the rays)

Pupils: Tentacles! hand! leg!

Miss: Sorry, please try again later.

Pupils: Ala....tak tahu la Miss...Bagitau la..bagitau la..bagitau la...

Miss: Okay okay okay. These are called rays or arms. Usually, a starfish has five rays or arms. bla bla bla...

Phew! Luckily I did a research prior to the lesson. Kalau tak...I'm not sure how to answer their never-ending questions. Huhu. To teachers out there, make sure you know/have extra knowledge about what you are going to teach.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Love stories

One thing that I love about going back late from work is that I got to listen to the Fly FM Rush Hour, Flirty@5.30. It is so stress-relieving to listen to some stranger confessing about their crush, and how the other person accepts or rejects him or her. This segment is for people who want to ask someone out but they are too chicken to do it themselves. So, the deejays are going to do it for them. Haha.

It is funny. I laugh every time I listen to the short segment on the show. Like the other day, a guy who previously dated a girl wanted to ask the girl's younger sister out. Yikes! How dare he! He sounded confident because he said that the younger sister responded to his calls and texts. And guess what? The girl rejected him! As soon as the djs revealed the guy's name, the girl immediately said "Oh, no no no." Haha. Pity the guy but he should really think masak2 before he approached the girl. He just broke up with the big sister, man!

There's another case which almost made me cry. The man called the station and confessed that he truly loves his childhood sweetheart. He's been searching for her for thirteen years kot! and he recently found this girl on facebook. Unfortunately, the girl is seeing someone else. So, they have been contacting each other through cellphones. The next day, Fly Fm called his childhood sweetheart and put the man on the other line. What do you think the man did?

He proposed the girl live on air!!!! He confessed his love, how he never ever searched for other women because he couldn't stop loving the girl, because he thought that it would mean betrayal. The girl was so shocked that she couldn't say anything. Mostly because she was torn between two men, i think. She has a boyfriend but deep inside, she knew that this man really loves her. Ecewah..pandai2 je aku ni. Lucky for her, the man understood her situation and said that she can take as long as she wants to think about the proposal. He will wait till the day she say yes. If the day ever comes and even if the girl has turned into an opah, he will still accept her. Oh man.. I felt like crying listening to his confession. He's truly a man, man! *cries a river*

Listening to all love stories on the radio makes me think of my own story. We met through fate and hopefully fate is kind enough to let us be together forever and in hereafter. It has been a tough journey and so far, we are surviving. I believe the key factor in a relationship is a seven letter word: honesty. That's all that you'll need. :)

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Siapa nak pizza angkat tangan.

Hari ni kita nak cakap pasal pizza. Kan semalam aku dah kecoh kat blog nak masak pizza kan? Nasib baik lah pizza tuh jadi. Sebelum masak aku dah baca bismillah, selawat nabi, doa makanan biar sedap, basuh tangan guna dettol sume cukup. Dengan izin ALLAH, alhamdulillah setakat ni takde sape2 lagi yang makan mengalami simptom cirit-birit atau keracunan makanan. Aku dapat resepi ni pon masa bloghopping. Then, terjumpa la resepi yang sedap ni.

Semalam aku cakap lagi yang aku tunggu mak aku habis tengok drama indon kan? Tapi!!! Lepas habis je cite tu dia boleh cakap dia tamau pegi. Hmm.. terpaksalah aku rempit camnih. Dah sebulah aku tak rempit. Aku paksa sekali adik aku ikut sebab aku malu la rempit sorang2. Nanti orang suwit2 kat traffic light aku segan la. At least bila adik aku ikut takde la aku syok sendiri ingat orang tu nak ngorat aku. hahahaha. Okay2, berbalik cite rempit2 nih, aku excited btol nak merempit semalam. Lagi-lagi pekan jammed gila. Sume orang nak balik raya kat teluk intan. Bikin sesak je. Nasib baik la cuaca semalam tak panas terik. Mendung2 kelabu je. Disebabkan aku teruja gila nak merempit, aku sampai terpakai selipar bapak aku pi Giant. Sabar je la. Dekat traffic light pulak tuh baru perasan. Penat aku pakai baju hijau tudung pink. Sekali selipar beso pulak. Adik aku dah pukul2 bahu aku kecoh suruh aku u-turn balik rumah tukar selipar. Ah, kejadahnya. Aku abaikan je permintaan tak seberapa dia tuh. Rempit cikaro memang style cenggitu. Selekeh2 sket tapi comel. hahaha.

Cikaro naik scoot. Berlatarbelakangkan kereta antik mak aku. Precious tuh. Kitorang panggil keta tu porsche.

Haaa.. cuba korang tengok, besar kan? besar kan? besar kan?? Pfftt..kaki aku pon bukan cantik sangat. Tapi, alhamdulillah cukup jari takde cacat. -__-

Dah habis beli barang, aku pon terus masuk dapur buat doh. Keinginan membuak-buak btol waktu tuh. Bila da siap uli....ceh, baru pukul 4.30 ptg. Apo den nak buek bakor pizza awal2 ni? Waktu berbuka kang da beku balik pizza tadi tuh.

Uli doh tu sampai lembut tau.

Maka, aku pon dengan rajin pegi la menyiapkan bahan2 utk topping dan cheese sauce. Erm, sausages tu takdelah aku letak seketul seketul atas pizza kan... Tercekik le siapa2 yang makan nanti. Dalam gambar tu tak potong lagi sebab masih berais. So, tengah tunggu ais2 tu cair baru potong bulat2. Hmm..bila dah siap cheese sauce ngan topping, tengok jam baru pukul 5. Eiii..lambat btol la nak berbuka. Takkan nak bakar pukul 6.30, letak topping bagai kol 5. Macam tak logik kan??? Kang lembik plak doh tu.

Tik tok, tik tok dah pukul 6.15. Cepat2 aku pi spread prego sauce (tomato puree ngan tomato sauce takde kat umah), pastu spread cheese sauce then tabur topping setinggi gunung. After that letak bbq sauce, thousand island, mayo and grated mozarella cheese. Tadaa!!!

Cedap tak? Cedap tak??? hahaha. Ni sebelum masuk oven. Pizza ni spesel sket sebab kat rumah aku ni takde pizza pan yang bulat tuh. Empat segi pon empat segi la janji sodap! Selepas panic attack takut pizza tak masak bagai, akhirnya...

Ada perbezaan ke sebelum dengan selepas masak? Aku tengok mcm tade je. hehehe

Apa-apa pun, tak sampai doplohpat jam pizza ini telah licin ditelan oleh empat orang manusia. Bagi aku da cukup da bomb da pizza ni dari segi seasoning and flavours. Cuma technically tu tak pasti la pulak kan. Kena bagi Chef Tom Collichio judge ni baru aku puas hati. hahaha. Gambar dalam pinggan tu waktu makan breakfast. Mak aku nak merasa breakfast western2 nih. So, dia sanggup postpone masak kueytiaw sampai esok. hihihi. Terharu aku. :)

p/s: Adik aku cakap kat mak aku "Mummy, baik kita call pizza order delivery je. Kalau 40 ringgit da boleh dapat dua pizza da. Ni, kak dira beli mcm2 cheese je da 40 ringgit lebih". Cis.

Only hope

Semoga setiap cebis kebahagiaanku menjadi milik ibu dan bapaku, dan semoga setiap titis kedukaan mereka menjadi milikku Ya ALLAH.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Let's mandi lulur

Hello everyone! I feel beauuuuuuuuuuutiful today!

Hehe. Don't you?

Nature of living things, we want to be beautiful, feel beautiful, look beautiful, and we love beautiful things. Well, this applies to women especially. All women desire to look beautiful. We want to have a beautiful face, a beautiful body, a beautiful skin, beautiful hair, beautiful teeth, a beautiful mind and a beautiful heart. We, WOMEN want everything to be perfect, flawless, and beautiful. Do men understand this need/desire??? Yes, they do and No, they don't (when it comes to shopping).

Those who have the privilege can just swipe their credit cards to buy beauty products which I must say, are not cheap. Sometimes, we really want to buy the products but we just do not have the money. Sad, huh? My sisters and I use Body Shop skincare products since we were in high schools. We tried Clean n' Clear but it didn't do magic to our skin. One set costs around RM 200-300++. During high school days, mommy was so generous to buy the products for us. Now that we are working and receiving allowance, we have to use our own money. Oh..that's not fair. Abah only sponsors adik now. :( What about me? I'm unemployed! I think abah should treat me some since he's using my Body Shop member card. Hehe.

Clearly, when we do not have the money, what we need are alternatives to these products. So, I'm going to introduce you to Lulur Mandi. Have you heard of lulur mandi before? It is not the one that you buy in the night market. That one is not original. The lulur that I'm talking about is the homemade one. Understand or not?

Basically, you make the lulur on your own. It is cheap, non-hazardous, contain no chemicals. Thus, it is original and natural. It enhances the softness of your skin, rubs off the daki, makes your skin glow and most of all, it makes you look beautiful! Yeayy!!! This is what we want! This is what we want!

I'm going to teach you how to prepare the lulur.

The ingredients:-

1. sireh leaves
2. beras pulut
3. pinang
4. gambir
5. kunyit alive
6. chicken eggs

Blend everything together.

Yucky? Don't be. This is significant for our beauty.

Easy-peasy righttttttt???? What do you do next? No, you don't eat it. Do not eat the lulur. I repeat, this is NOT for eating purposes. Geddit?

Now, take your towel and go to the bathroom. Brush your teeth first (in case you haven't). Tie up your hair if you need to because we don't want the lulur to stick in your hair. Oh, don't forget to take off your clothes. You obviously need your skin to put the lulur on. Duh! Wash your face and body just briefly with water only. You won't need the soap or shower gel or whatever you are using. Then, dry your body using the towel. Put the lulur on your skin thoroughly.

Be careful not to put it into anything! Wait till it dry. I cannot tahan so I only let the lulur sit on my skin for two minutes. It is advisable that you WAIT, okay? Sometimes, it can get quite itchy but tahan okay? After ten minutes or so, you rub the lulur all over your body, hard.... Hehehe, kidding. Don't rub until your skin is red! Rub rub rub and rub until you are satisfied. Then, wash your body. Finally, dry your skin. And.......

Tadaaa!!!!! Your skin is all soft, glowing and you certainly look beautiful. Heee.

Feel free to try, ladies! My dad likes to use it too! All of sudden, there's no lulur left cos he has used it all. Hmpph. Need to hide the lulur from him. Okay, bye!

p/s: Make sure you clean your bathroom properly after lulur-ing coz it will be smelly since there are eggs in it. Surely you don't want your toilet to smell hanyir, right?

p/p/s: If you don't like your lulur to be smelly, you can just leave out the eggs.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The creative side of me


Went back to our kampung yesterday and spent our evening there. The main purpose of going back was to introduce our BIL to the kampung. It was his first time there. I was bored so I played with my sister's new camera. It's a Canon G12. Please excuse an amateur photographer like me. I was trying a little too hard to be creative. LOL


Buah cempedak. A forbidden fruit for me. (Don't ask me why, ask my mom)

Bahuluuuuu! cicah teh O.

The ground. I used the ol' school mode.

Then, it rained. I wanted to be more creative and my BIL taught me how to use the various modes and functions in the camera. I nodded my head and went 'oh'..'ah'. I actually couldn't understand what he was saying to me! Haha. It's too complicated for me. Poor BIL, he was so serious to teach me but I was too caught up with the rain to pay attention to the short learning session. He even praised me for these beautiful photos (according to him). Heee..

What do you think? Are these photos creative enough? Can you see the percikan air??? Can see or not? No? Too bad, you need to wear your glasses. :D

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Just because

Well, KPM is way too generous this year. They have decided to prolong our holidays just because...i don't know. There are definitely serious things going on in KPM. People have been saying this and that and I'm not even sure which is a fact, which is a rumour.

I get bored easily. I do the same routines every morning. Wake up, have breakfast, do house chores until 11, shower, help mummy to cook, wait for abah to come home for lunch, eat lunch, watch tv, go online, dinner, fold the clothes, go online, watch tv, sleep. Sometimes, we go to supermarket to buy groceries. Once in a blue moon, we go to the cinema to watch movies. The cinema here really sucks because they don't screen interesting movies. Pschht. I don't want to watch some Manmadan Ambu movie!

Sometimes we sell kain ela', the ones that you use to make baju kurung, kebaya and all sorts of traditional clothes. This is the fun part. People come to our house to have a good look at the kain and we will force them to buy. Haha. I will be the model, wrap it around my body and do a catwalk to convince our customers that the kain is cantik and worth buying. Not to worry because the kains are really of good materials. They are Italian silk and chiffon and we bought the kains from Gulati's (family of Euromoda, friend of Binwani's) people! We got harga borong from the tauke because we are his regular customers. Not from Nagoya or Jakel.

But I still get bored. Huarghhh!! Boredom equals to death. Why do we have to wait for sooooooo long to get our posting? Pfttt! This 'holiday' reminds me when I was an SPM leaver. Still fresh, ready to leave all the innocence behind and rock the world. Yeah baby! At the same time, I was feeling all anxious, praying hard, asking ALLAH to grant me good SPM results. Haha. Humans are like that. We will only remember our God when we really really want something. Typical. Therefore, let's start remembering our God all the time, okay peeps?

When I got my results, Alhamdulillah, Thank you ALLAH. Then, I received an offer to do Pre-U in PASUM. A month later, I received another offer. A twinning programme between a teacher training institution in KL and respective overseas universities. After a few days of thinking hard about my future and hundreds of phone calls worth of advice from the parents, I packed my stuff and said goodbyes to my newly-found BFFs. Haha. We were all feeling sad which was very ironic as I was leaving for the institution just next door to UM! Hahaha. That's funny!

5 and a 1/2 year later, from gaining weight and became a fat girl in IPBA to burning fats in the UK, here I am, waiting patiently to begin my journey to serve the nation as an English primary school teacher. Heee..

My parents have always been proud of my siblings and I, especially my mother. She lovessss to talk about what her children are doing if only you initiate THE question first. Sometimes, we would be embarrassed. Most of times, we are proud and thankful because we wouldn't be who we are today without her guidance and doa. For the record, my elder sister read law in Uitm who is now working with AG as a deputy public prosecutor. I took TESL as my major, my third sister is doing biotechnology in NZ, the fourth brother is studying mechanical engineering in UTP (the intelligent among all, huhu), the fifth brother is in INSTEP studying petroleum technology and the youngest is still in Form 2. How can she not be proud of us? Hehe. I mean, not proud as in boasting here and there but proud as in you know... grateful.

My mother is a wise woman. She may not have a degree (she got HSC/STPM) but she probably know more facts and what's going on in and out of the education field more than you would know. She is very concerned about her children education including her younger sisters, her nephews and nieces, the neighbours' childen..everyone! If ALLAH wills, she will do as best as she can to help people to pursue their interest in education.

My mother was unable to continue her tertiary education because of certain family problems. So, hello working world! Before, she worked in a bank (I think it was Standard Chartered), in the first Malaysian company that used computers (I forgot the name), and several other jobs. Her bosses included Mat Salleh and the king of Perlis' younger sister. For an Ampang Girls' School graduate, she communicates good English. She kept telling her younger sisters and children that just because she couldn't pursue her studies, that didn't mean that we couldn't. So, there she was to make her dreams come true.

First, she guided my aunts; auntie, mama and bonda. Auntie finished her STPM but was unable to continue because she was paralysed for a year. Auntie is now working in Public Bank HQ s an executive. Mama is now a secondary school teacher, graduated from UiTM in Finance (Dean List) and later received an offer to continue her studies in the US. However, she chose not to go. Why? Just because........she didn't know English that well!!! Huh? What a stupid reason! Haha. Mama understands English but she is afraid to speak in English. I don't know why. Perhaps she has Englishphobia. Haha. Bonda is a different story. She is very intelligent. She scored 9As in her SPM and JPA offered her to go to Oxford University. Oxford man! She didn't even applied for the course. You know, during those times it was very rare to find students who scored straight As. So, those who scored with flying colours need not to apply because offers would definitely come to your doorsteps. Likewise, she didn't go there just because my uncle decided that it is best that she studied in Malaysia. Pfttt! So, she continued her studies in UUM, taking Accounting and had been awarded the best student. She and Maths is like cheese and bread. I really don't know how her mind works with numbers. Bonda once said that she would award whoever that can beat her SPM results with RM 1k. Well, that VERY lucky person is my fourth brother cos he scored 10A1. Huh. I forgot she ever said that, that's why I studied so-so only. Haihhh.

Next victims are her children. Hihihi. From nagging, beating to throwing my exercise books in the big longkang in front of the house just because I didn't complete or actually do the exercises. Mind you, the exercises that I am talking about were the ones she bought for us. So many homework plus exercises to do and I was a very lazy child. The fourth brother, he used to draw cartoons on a piece of paper when he was supposed to complete some exercise. One day, my mother found out about his secret activity and was caught red-handed. She was cooking at that time and was holding a wooden senduk in her hand. She got very angry, red face and flaring nostrils. You really do not want to know what happened after that. Haha. Anyway, she ran after my brother around the field with the senduk in her hand and my brother was crying, saying sorry while running faster and faster and faster....but he eventually got caught. He should have run like Watson Nyambek that day. Hahahaha. It was very scary. All of us didn't dare to lift our heads from the book. But look where he is right now, an aspiring engineer-to-be. We will laugh every time we reminisce the past. My mother always said the same thing all over again.

"Mummy pukul, marah, bebel, mummy buat semua ni sebab nak jadikan korang manusia".

Hmm..aren't we humans, mummy? Hehehe. Time flies very fast and my mother has another daughter to polish, the youngest, the mengadest one. We hope she will complete her high school with flying colours and be somebody in future. There are many other stories to tell about my mother's so-called journey but I'd rather stop here.

During her visit in UK

I hope you'll get what I am trying to convey here. I'd leave you to think about it. :)