Saturday, November 12, 2011

Above 18

For the past few months, I've been spending my weekends either with my family or the boyfriend. Let me tell you, this is very very unhealthy. It's not that I don't want to chillax with my dearest girlfriends, but everyone is so busy with their life. Plus, some of them live far far away from the city ie; Kedah, Penang, Perlis, Shah Alam... Well, not that Shah Alam is 100km away from my place but my girlfriend is still studying so I prefer not to disturb her studies.

On Friday evening, I received a call from my ex-schoolmate in Convent Kajang. After a few minutes, we decided to meet up on Saturday. Whoa! That's easy! It just takes a phone call to gather your girlfriends and go for a drink or a movie.

So yesterday we went to Alamanda and decided to watch 'Immortals'. We bought the tickets at the counter and the cashier reminded us that this movie is rated 18PL (while looking at me suspiciously). Yeah yeah. We just nodded our heads saying "We're 24" and smiled at her. I bet she's younger than me.

Then, we headed to the entrance. As I handed the cinema guy mine and my friends' tickets, he stopped me and asked for my ID.

Never, I repeat NEVER have I been questioned about my age upon entering the cinema for an XXX rated movie. Yesterday happened to be my lucky day. Well, the conversation went like this..

Cinema guy: This movie is for 18 above, miss. (Looks at me disbelievingly)

Me: Yeah, I know. (smile sweetly)

Cinema guy: Can I see your ID please?

Me: I'm sorry? (Muka tak percaya)

Cinema guy: I need to see your ID.

Me: Why? I'm above 18. Don't I look like someone above 18 years old? (I still refuse to hand him my ID)

Cinema guy: (smiles a little) As I said before, this movie is for 18 above. So, can I see your ID?

Me: What? I swear I am above 18. (hand him my ID) Look, it states there 87. I was born on 1987. That makes me 24 this year. (my fingers cannot seem to stop stabbing it)

Cinema guy: (looking back and forth at me and the ID) Oh okay okay. Enjoy your movie, miss.

Ahh..some women might be flattered but not me. I was really pissed off with the guy, I felt like yelling "Hello! Open you eyes and look at me properly!". I certainly do NOT look like someone who is under the age of 18. I didn't think I dressed like a school girl either. I wore a tank top with a cardigan and flats along with jeans and scarf. What's wrong with my outfits? Oh..and I carried my handbag. School girls don't carry handbags.

The incident sort of spoilt my mood for the movie. My girlfriends on the other hand, kept teasing me with questions that earned them a deathly glare every time they asked "How old are you again?", "Are you a secondary or primary school kid?". Yeah, funny.

When I think about yesterday's incident, there must be a few reasons of why the cashier and the cinema guy thought that I was an under-age girl. One, it might be because of my youthful looks. Hehe. I also want to perasan muda. Second, it could be because of my size as compared to my girlfriends. You see, my two girlfriends, they have quite a generous shape. (Nadhi and Nisah, if you happen to read this, no offense girlfriends!). Perhaps, those guys thought that I was their little sister?? Hahahahaha. Kelakar gila!

Still, I was quite offended and embarrassed seeing that there was a long queue behind us. Maluuuuuu. They might be thinking "Ah...nak curik-curik masuk le teww, padahal kecik lagi...dah la pendek, tak cukup umor pulak tuh..Kantoiii...". I was thinking of shielding my face with my handbag!... but that would be childish kan?

And....thank goodness, the movie was awesome! Freida Pinto is just beautiful as ever and Theseus...Oh..I really want/need a husband like him! He looks so urghh...with his hard-as-rock abs, curly dark hair, beautiful eyes, tall and lean body... He even looks yummy when he runs! If I were to be with him, we would definitely look like Kim K and Kris Humhpries. How cute. :D

Hello, Theseus.

Whoa! I feel safe by just looking at this photo.

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