Sunday, April 22, 2012

Visiting Kiwi land- Part 1

First stop: Canterbury Museum

Jika berkeinginan merasai gegaran gempa bumi

Hearts for Christchurch earthquake victims

Second stop: Punting di tengahari buta

Okayy..apesal aku over posing gedik?

Proses menyerap vitamin E sebanyak mungkin

Our lodging in CC.

Upon arriving in Wellington

Tempat paling cool jual/beli ikan. Terasa seperti nelayan.

Sunday market and fresh veggies

Walk like Wellingtonians

The ever famous cable car saves you from walking up up up the terraces. fuhh~

Erm, sebagai penggemar bunga tegar, harus posing maut begini berlatar-belakangkan bungas

I just love this photo.

Gossip tak kira tempat

Where Wellingtonian rowers practise even in the cold morning.

Most famous museum in NZ. Eh, asik nak pegi tempat feymes je. hikhik

Inside Te Papa, near entrance

Hoi makk, sipot pon besaq gini zaman purba kala dulu.

Watched the fishermen caught it a few times on Discovery channel, got to see it with our very own eyes at the museum. Presenting...the giant colossal squid.

As promised, enjoy the pictures Kak Hada. :)

Depressed sebab pictures lambat upload. So, wait for the next parts. Coming real soon. Hahah.

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