Sunday, September 23, 2012

till then..


I have so many things to blog so so many events happened..well, not many just a few but they were important events! Also, I would love to blog about my recent short trip. However, I have so many things to do..with school, life, plus my sister gave birth to a baby boy 2 weeks ago. Haihhh...need to find a proper time to write. I miss writing...

Till I finally find time to write beautiful posts.... hehe


Friday, May 18, 2012

sad news


I received a sad news today. One of my youngest sister's classmates passed away this morning. She was diagnosed with a disease that I believe all of us are afraid of, leukimia. Admitted into the hospital 2 weeks ago, mother had the chance to visit her yesterday. She was 15, in case you are wondering. Supposed to sit for her PMR this year, PE test was postponed to next week because the school provided a bus for her classmates to pay her the last visit. Even though I did not know her (she was my primary school teacher's daughter), I felt a pang of sadness and tried my best to hold back my tears. Her life was short, she told my mother how she missed going back to school, expressed her sadness because none of her school teachers visited her, she complained how big her belly was (swollen liver) and being lethargic all times. Poor girl, but looking on the other side, she passed away on Friday and mother told me "Ramai orang datang ziarah, banyak macam orang kahwin."

I don't even know why I am writing this. I hope ALLAH prolongs the journey of this friend of mine to walk on earth, who's suffering too. (Macam salah grammar je but whateverr, huhu) I just...hmm I guess well.. haha gagap pulakk dah. Hmm..apa-apa pun, ALLAH is The Best Planner.

Have faith, there's hope in it. :)

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Visiting Kiwi Land - Part II

Rasa awesome tayang muka sendiri kat screen besaq muzium NZ. hehe

Do you know that if a Maori carves a tattoo on his/her chin, it means that the person has sworn not to drink alcohol till his death? This is a famous Maori but I forgot his name.

Teropong orang seberang lautan.

One of the three anchors used by the first ship that found New Zea-land. I think it belongs to the French.

Holiday home, at the terrace.

trying hard to be quirky. haha

Late-night shopping at Briscoes, just to buy pinggan mangkuk. This was at 11+ p.m. haha

Oriental Bay, Wellington

Mommy and abah

Went out one day and found out that there is an old graveyard located on top of a hill, right behind our house. No wonder, selalu rasa creeeeeeepy! huhuhu

2nd holiday home, atas bukit boleh nampak lauttt!

Must-stop place of interest, according to cik Mala.

Serius busuk. tak bestt.

the truck used by..hmm erm..the person who went hunting the animals kot?

reminds me of Po, in Kungfu Panda. haha

Yang ni best! Imagine tido atas bulu ni..memang taknak bangun dah. >.<

Do I look like an Inuit?

Knowing mommy, she wouldn't go home empty handed! Ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke nasik? T__T

to be continued. hehehehehehehe

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Visiting Kiwi land- Part 1

First stop: Canterbury Museum

Jika berkeinginan merasai gegaran gempa bumi

Hearts for Christchurch earthquake victims

Second stop: Punting di tengahari buta

Okayy..apesal aku over posing gedik?

Proses menyerap vitamin E sebanyak mungkin

Our lodging in CC.

Upon arriving in Wellington

Tempat paling cool jual/beli ikan. Terasa seperti nelayan.

Sunday market and fresh veggies

Walk like Wellingtonians

The ever famous cable car saves you from walking up up up the terraces. fuhh~

Erm, sebagai penggemar bunga tegar, harus posing maut begini berlatar-belakangkan bungas

I just love this photo.

Gossip tak kira tempat

Where Wellingtonian rowers practise even in the cold morning.

Most famous museum in NZ. Eh, asik nak pegi tempat feymes je. hikhik

Inside Te Papa, near entrance

Hoi makk, sipot pon besaq gini zaman purba kala dulu.

Watched the fishermen caught it a few times on Discovery channel, got to see it with our very own eyes at the museum. Presenting...the giant colossal squid.

As promised, enjoy the pictures Kak Hada. :)

Depressed sebab pictures lambat upload. So, wait for the next parts. Coming real soon. Hahah.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thank you!


Girl: I didn't get any flowers pon... *sad voice* konon sebak sangat..

Boy: Haa? Kenapa kena bagi?

Girl: yelah..yesterday was our bla bla bla..

Boy: Oh...but I prefer to give you flight tickets. Sending flowers won't bring you any closer to me, right? *suara takde perasaan*

Girl: Oh..okay...hehehehehehehehehehehe. *senyum sampai hari ni* So, how many tickets do you have for me?

Boy: far, only four. To A, B, C & D. Do you have any other places you would like to go to?

Moral value: Ask for more flight tickets. haha.

I always *ahem* complain about him being so unromantic, bla bla bla.. *dasar tak bersyukur punya orang*. Quite often that I don't realize that he really is a romantic person, a charmer. Just not the romantic cheesy-type that I saw on tv. And thank goodness for that! If not, I think I'd die of his cheesy-ness haha. After this short conversation through phone, I just wanted to thank Allah for sending me this man, a man who puts me among his top priorities, whose generosity and kindness go beyond words can describe, a man who loves me for my weaknesses, a man who gives but never ask for a return.

Once, I asked. "Kenapa awak suka saya?" He replied, "awak banyak kekurangan, cuma sayang saya dekat awak je lebih".

I feel truly blessed. Thank you ALLAH.

p/s: Let's be thankful!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cerita CNY

Salam and hi.


The other day, aku and my mom pergilah kedaimas. Well, bukan lah pegi kedai yang nama 'Kedai MAS', tapi kedai yang jual barang kemas tuu. Nak tengok cincin. Bukan apa, mak aku terrrrringinnn nak beli cincin pulak. Heh, macam-macam mak aku ni.

So, kitorang pon usha la cincin-cincin comel yang menawan hati. Pastuh mak aku tanya la kak Tina tu, mana bos. Kak Tina jerit panggil bos dan bos pun keluar dari ofis dia. FYI, uncle Leong tu dah lama kenal mak aku, since kitorang pindah sana lagi. Kira geng la ni. Kalau datang kedai, dia asyik nak cite masalah anak yang taknak belajar tapi sibuk nak bawak mercedes pi sekolah. Hantu betul! Heiii, nasib baik not my son, or else aku pelangkung tengkuk dia dengan sabit! Pastu bini dia dengar, join cite sampai gaduh-gaduh manja depan kitorang. Tapi mesti dalam hati masing-masing sentappp. Macam tu lah gayanya mereka berdua. Romantik cara gitu kot?

Hari kitorang pegi sana, aku nampaklah muka dia sedih. Pelik lah kan. Raya-raya pon mau sedih ka tauke? Sebab aku ni kepoci, maka aku tanyalah...

NA, "Uncle Leong, apsai manyak sedih? Kan raya ni? Senyum skettt."

UL, "Hmm.. (senyum tak sampai mata sambil pusing tengok mak aku) a lot of thing happened kak Mala. I manyak sedih."

Eh eh uncle ni, aku yang tanya dia boleh menjawab kat mak aku pulak.

MA, "Why Mr Leong? Cerita la dekat I.."

UL, "Tak boleh cerita kak Mala. Jika I cerite, sampai esok-esok pon tak habis u tau. (hamboiii, ni memang banyak dia punya sedih ni..) Rasa hati I selama ni I tak pernah cerita pada sesiapa. Nantilah I cerita.." (jerit, suruh pakgad bagi kitorang limau dengan air, hehe)

MA, "Hmm..takpelah Mr Leong. Jangan sedih-sedih. Sudah talak hensem maa.."

Bila uncle masuk balik ofis, kitorang tanya kak tina apa telah terjadi???!! Mengapa Mr Leong terlampau sedih di hari perayaan???!

Tina, "Bininya minta cereiii!!Ada boipren lagi kaya!"

Hah! pulokkkk.. ternganga jap my mom and I.

Seram. Seram. Okay, tujuan aku cerita tentang kisah ni bukan nak sebarkan aib ke apa ke. Aku cuma nak bagitau, itulah fitrah manusia. TAK pernah bersyukur dengan nikmat yang ada. Kalau bersyukur pon berapa persen je la kan. Dah ada suami toke emas, nak suami toke minyak. Da ada husband encem macam remy ishak, nak encem macam abang aoron pulokk. Da cantik pun, nak pakai susuk sampai lagi cantik. Da kurus kering macam tiang lampu, nak lagi kurus macam batang lidi pulak. Manusia manusia.

Kita jarang relfect keadaan sekeliling kita. Kita nampak, kita lihat tapi kita buta sebenarnya. Tak ramai antara kita yang benar-benar celik, betul tak? Setakat celik IT tu apa ada hal kan?? Bak kata orang-orang tua, bior buta mata tapi celik hati.

Jadiiiiiiii....bersyukurlah, tanda terima kasih kepada Sang Pemberi Nikmat. ---> malas nak tulis pepanjang. heee

always the best

You know you have the best father in the world when you woke up from an afternoon nap and found your car has been washed and polished inside out.


Thanks, abah. xoxoxo

Saturday, January 14, 2012


You know it's too much when it is too much.

When we care about a person deeply, you'll never know that at times it can be quite disturbing for them. In fact, too disturbing that they feel claustrophobic with you presence or just hearing your voice or worst, they feel like throwing the phone away when they see your name on the screen. Rimas tau! rimas! rimas! rimas! RIMASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! TAU TAK???!!

Okay okay. Aku tau. Dah. kau tak payah jerit-jerit macam setan, pi ambil wuduk pastu solat. Kan bagus.

Now, macam mana kita nak tahu jika orang tu rimas dengan tahap ke-care-an kita? As simple as simple plan,

1. bila kita cakap depan-depan dengan dia, dia tak nak pandang kita pastu kelam-kabut cari pen konon-konon nak bajet busy padehal elok je tadi kita tengok dia goyang kaki tengok you-tube.Pastu gelak tak ikhlas..tak pun jawab ala kadar macam saja nak kasi kita sakit hati balik. Sebab dia dah sakit hati, rimas kita duk care sangat pasal dia, dia pon jawab la nak sentapkan kita balik. contoh:

orang care: kau okay? ada masalah tak hari nih?

orang rimas: hah? pandang siling kiri-kanan depan belakang..okay okay. eh, aku okay jeww (dalam hati, memang ada masalah pon. kau lah masalah aku. sila berambuss)

2. bila kita call, dia banyak diam. jawab pun hmm.. okay.. tak.. takdelah..oh..yeke..tak tau la..pastu hmm balik. yelah. supaya kau bosan. jadi takdelah kau nak tanya banyak benda, conversation akan dicutshortkan so dia boleh get rid of kau cepat-cepat. lagi teruk kalau kau call dia lambat angkat...saje kasi kau panas..or langsung tak angkat! memang nak kasi kau hangus terus hangit ni. hehehe

3. bila kau text, dia langung tak reply. HAHAHAHAHAHA. kesian. Tapi kalau aku, nangis kot.

4. bila dia bagitahu kau muka ke muka

Orang rimas: I rimas. Rimas tau? Rimas tau tak? RIMASSSSS sesangattt! You boleh tak tolong jangan care sangat dekat i? U sapeeeee haa? Sape??? U sapee???

Orang care: Aku bini kau la ngek!! *bedebush*

Okay kalau cakap macam ni dekat bini ke laki sendiri ke memang ada harapan nak kena tidur luar la kan malam tu. Tapi confirm menghiris hati seh.. Makan dalam. Mesti kasi nangis kaw-kaw punya la bila kena sembur macam ni. wuwuwuwuw sobs sobs sampai atiiiii B cakap ayang cenggitu... UWEKKSS!

So..kalau kita pun..secara logik akal yang dikurniakan Ilahi, pandai-pandai la nak pikir. Withdraw yourself from that situation or from that person. We must know the limit. Even patience has its limit. Not asking how the person is doing every single hour does not make you any less care about him/her. They just need to be alone.. to rest, to appreciate. Who knows they might come and find you later. Well, absence makes a heart grow fonder. But, if they've gone for too long erm...perhaps you can assume that they still need the time to find the missing pieces ke apa ke..or they just don't need you. Ouch. Too bad, reality hurts.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Some news

Salam and Hi.

Wah wah wah wahwahwahwahwahwah...busy betul aku nih. Baru jadi cikgu dah busy macam ni. Belom jadi mak orang lagi kan? Hakhakhakhak

Whatevsss..Yang penting, sekarang dah tahun 2012. Wah..cepat betul masa berlalu. Sepantas angin lalu. A lot of thing happened in 2011. I learned so many new things, most of all what being a teacher really meant. The ups and down. So far, aku tak pernah kena marah lagi. Alhamdulillah. Tapi last year aku terlupa buat satu perkara penting iaitu email orang btpn data Nilam sebelum aku pi bercuti. Pegi pulak cuti-cuti obersi. Memang takde maknanya aku nak hengat benda2 tu semua kan.. Dengar cerita, orang btpn terus attack gubesar. Matilah aku. Habislah reputasi aku sebagai cikgu kanak-kanak ribena lepas kena marah *walaupun kejadian ni tak berlaku lagi*. Takutnya. What should I do now??? Perlu ke aku email orang tu dan cakap aku ada hal penting kena pi obersi then terlupa bawak pendrive so aku tak boleh email dia data tu. Pastu minta maaf merayu-rayu supaya jangan call gubesar. titew tatottttt tauuuuuuuuww. sobs sobs

Anyway, benda tu boleh aku pikirkan kemudian. There are other important matters that need to be taken care of. Something big. Hopefully, everything will go as planned. *big grin* Thus, I'll be super duper triple quadraple busy this year. Juggling between school activities, clerical work, and this big thing. Some good news, my younger sister is back from NZ. So, she's taking her licence now and after that, if God wills she'll be living with me in Kajang (if she works in KL la). My elder sis, Kak Nina dengar khabarnya nak pindah Ipoh so she can be closer to her husband and they can start making babies. We desperately want babies a.k.a anak sedara, KAKAK!. Oh, my father is currently living with her husband coz he's been transferred to KK. Poor abah. So far away from mummy. Apparently, Mr F likes working in Kerteh so much. I don't know if I can live there after we get *ahem* married nanti. hehuhehuhehuhehu

My family is so pening. Sume orang kat tempat lain but we are veryyyy close to each other. Aku hanya berdoa semoga keluarga kami kekal bahagia dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang bagus. Semoga semua orang happy. To Kak Hada, stay strong. Hopefully I can fulfill your wish and bring you to Broga Hill one day. :)

Till then. Toddles!