Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Floria 2010

I am very busy with schools, I can not believe I sacrifice my sleeps for my dear students! Haish. magic. magic. What have they done to deserve my beautiful sleeps?

My sister and I went to Floria Putrajaya 2010. This was longgggg ago. I am too lazy to describe what happened there, why we were dressing formally and bla bla bla. So, enjoy the pictures. :)

Ohh, kakak was being creative all of the sudden because I just taught her how to take pictures using the 'macro' setting. Yeap, she is quite a loser when it comes to technology. Haha. Please, give her some credits for being creative and snapping all these beautiful pictures.

It looks like the Eden's Project little sister.

Finally, her creativity has managed to capture a bee with an orange flower.

A roomful of orchids.

Ohh, they created these characters with flowers. Flowers here and there!

A beehive made from dried chillies (cili kering). This creation won silver in a competition err organised by Floria perhaps.

The thing with the white pockets is punggung beruang. So cute! I originally thought it was a pair of white sunglasses. Haha.

Ahh, spent some cash for mummy dearest and her princesses. The orchids are allergic to sun. Sounds like a vampire.

p/s: Do you know that the secret to healthy orchids is to water them with 'air basuhan beras' every morning? Flirting with 'abang orkid' does help you to get secret, useful tips about orchids.