Sunday, July 03, 2011

Quick update

Salam and Hi, readers.

I have so many things to write. Believe me. I just couldn't find the right time to write. When I arrive home usually around 5 pm, all I want to do is lie down and take a short nap. Heee.. I feel so malas to switch on the laptop and surf the net. So boring that I rather spend every second of my leisure time reading books. Ahh...books are much more entertaining than the internet. :)

Anyway, just a quick update.

1) School
My school is a busy school. I don't know why I am so busy since February till present. Haha. Macam kerja CEO pulak. I spent 3 Saturdays in a row in school. :( and have been selected as one of the facis for english in-camp in Kuala Selangor (this week) and kem motivasi in PD (next week) by jabatan. Waaaa, kesian anak2 kita cikgu dia takde. Dah la sekolah cuti kita kena pi meeting. :( To be honest, I prefer to stay in school coz my children are going to sit for their UP3 in mid-July. But, GOD has other plans for me. I hope they are going to be alright. Do your best, children! Remember what miss has taught you!

2) Family
Had a family outing during the school holidays. We went to Cameron Highland, reminiscing our childhood. During our first seven years in TI, we used to go to CH at least once a year. We would visit the farms, buy veges at Kea's market and have a picnic by the river. When we moved to Kajang and then moved back to TI, we stopped going there. Don't know why. So, I asked my father to take us there. Well, CH is a lot warmer compared to before. I found people wearing gloves, snowcap and bubble jacket there. Ha ha ha. Funny. Imagine if there's snow in our country. :P

3) Me?
Well, I am learning/doing my very best to be a good teacher, an obedient daughter and a pious Muslim. My colleagues always laugh at me when I tell them that I am a 'garang' teacher. Ceh, sabar je la. Takpe takpe, nanti nak letak video dalam kelas, pastu nak show off kegarangan kita. Hikhikhik.

Oh, I have something to share with you. Once, I asked my father why he susah-payah attend every event held inside or outside the college, why he busy-busy follow his students and staff to camping, rafting, hiking, trekking, sports event etc. I felt that his staff are too manja, ngada-ngada because they would say "If encik Man tak pi, kami pun taknak pi sama". Amboiii! Kita pon tak berani nak habaq lagu tu kat GB or GPKs kita u olls. Kalau kita pi masuk hutan, kita la yang susah-payah jaga budak dalam hutan nun. You want to know what my father said?

"Kita ni sebagai cikgu tak kira la bila kita jadi ketua ke, pegang jawatan besar ke dekat satu tempat tu, yang penting kita ikhlas dan terus memberi yang terbaik buat anak-anak murid kita. Tak kira la diorang tu pandai ke kurang ke. Jangan pernah bezakan mereka. Abah buat semua ni sebab aktiviti-aktiviti macam tu lah yang motivate budak2 yang tak berapa nak jadi dalam bidang akdemik. Metaliti diaorang ni lain. Kita nak ajak dorg pi buat aktiviti menarik macam ni pun susah. Bila kita pon ada sama kat sana, it shows that we actually care for them. Diorang rasa terpinggir sebab diorang tahu they are not academically-inclined. So, penting kita ni to be there untuk sama2 buat aktiviti tuh supaya diorang dapat tengok yang kita memang nak dorang berjaya. Anak-anak abah alhamdulillah 5 dah lepas masuk U. Bila abah tengok dorang tak semangat, jadi kita rasa sedih. Why don't abah berkorban sikit sebab abah pun nak tengok dorang berjaya mcam korang. Bila kita dah berjaya, jangan buat kerja sambil lewa. When you are in the classroom, teach well. Tanam azam yang jika kita boleh terbang tinggi, anak-anak murid kita pon boleh."


......Silence (we were in the car).......

So readers, renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal!


earth angel said...

oh abahkuuuu T__T

Alice said...

Yeap..wise indeed.

Md . Fakhri said...

tu jer update?

Alice said...

eiii..tak yah over eh! :P