Sunday, January 08, 2012

Some news

Salam and Hi.

Wah wah wah wahwahwahwahwahwah...busy betul aku nih. Baru jadi cikgu dah busy macam ni. Belom jadi mak orang lagi kan? Hakhakhakhak

Whatevsss..Yang penting, sekarang dah tahun 2012. Wah..cepat betul masa berlalu. Sepantas angin lalu. A lot of thing happened in 2011. I learned so many new things, most of all what being a teacher really meant. The ups and down. So far, aku tak pernah kena marah lagi. Alhamdulillah. Tapi last year aku terlupa buat satu perkara penting iaitu email orang btpn data Nilam sebelum aku pi bercuti. Pegi pulak cuti-cuti obersi. Memang takde maknanya aku nak hengat benda2 tu semua kan.. Dengar cerita, orang btpn terus attack gubesar. Matilah aku. Habislah reputasi aku sebagai cikgu kanak-kanak ribena lepas kena marah *walaupun kejadian ni tak berlaku lagi*. Takutnya. What should I do now??? Perlu ke aku email orang tu dan cakap aku ada hal penting kena pi obersi then terlupa bawak pendrive so aku tak boleh email dia data tu. Pastu minta maaf merayu-rayu supaya jangan call gubesar. titew tatottttt tauuuuuuuuww. sobs sobs

Anyway, benda tu boleh aku pikirkan kemudian. There are other important matters that need to be taken care of. Something big. Hopefully, everything will go as planned. *big grin* Thus, I'll be super duper triple quadraple busy this year. Juggling between school activities, clerical work, and this big thing. Some good news, my younger sister is back from NZ. So, she's taking her licence now and after that, if God wills she'll be living with me in Kajang (if she works in KL la). My elder sis, Kak Nina dengar khabarnya nak pindah Ipoh so she can be closer to her husband and they can start making babies. We desperately want babies a.k.a anak sedara, KAKAK!. Oh, my father is currently living with her husband coz he's been transferred to KK. Poor abah. So far away from mummy. Apparently, Mr F likes working in Kerteh so much. I don't know if I can live there after we get *ahem* married nanti. hehuhehuhehuhehu

My family is so pening. Sume orang kat tempat lain but we are veryyyy close to each other. Aku hanya berdoa semoga keluarga kami kekal bahagia dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang bagus. Semoga semua orang happy. To Kak Hada, stay strong. Hopefully I can fulfill your wish and bring you to Broga Hill one day. :)

Till then. Toddles!

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